
English File Intermediate Plus Phrasal Verbs

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  • Tom, can you _____ (distribute) the homework please?
    give out / hand out
  • I've put on 3 kilos over Christmas so I'm _____ (stopping) eating chocolate in January.
    giving up
  • The restaurant is looking to ______ (employ) 2 new waiters and a new chef.
    take on
  • It's a long drive to Madrid so we'll have to _____ (start the journey) early in the morning.
    set off
  • If you _____ (continue) hitting your brother, you'll go to your room!
    keep on
  • My new camera's broken after only a week so I need to ____ it ____ (return) it to the shop.
    take back
  • My brother always _____ (arrives) at least 10 minutes late - it's so annoying!
    turns up
  • The soup arrived cold so we ____ it ____ (returned).
    sent back
  • He _____ (invented) a story when the teacher asked him for his homework so that he wouldn't get into trouble.
    made up
  • I'll buy you a hamster if you promise to ____ (care) it.
    look after
  • Tim and Sally have _____ (ended their relationship) after he had an affair.
    split up / broken up
  • I need to _____ (think of) an idea for my PE project.
    come up with
  • After running 15km in the marathon he twisted his ankle so he _____ (abandoned) and went home.
    gave up
  • That jumper's really old and it's got holes in it - I think it's time to ____ it ____ (put it in the bin).
    throw away