
30 IRREGULAR VERBS (different v2 and v3)

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  • What are the past forms of DO?
    did, done
  • What are the past forms of WRITE?
    wrote, written
  • What are the past forms of SEE?
    saw, seen
  • What are the past forms of BEGIN?
    began, begun
  • What are the past forms of CHOOSE?
    chose, chosen
  • What are the past forms of DRINK?
    drank, drunk
  • What are the past forms of FORGET?
    forgot, forgotten
  • What are the past forms of DRAW?
    drew, drawn
  • What are the past forms of TAKE?
    took, taken
  • What are the past forms of SWIM?
    swam, swum
  • What are the past forms of BREAK?
    broke, broken
  • What are the past forms of FORGIVE?
    forgave, forgiven
  • What are the past forms of WAKE?
    woke, woken
  • What are the past forms of BECOME?
    became, become
  • What are the past forms of FLY?
    flew, flown
  • What are the past forms of GIVE?
    gave, given
  • What are the past forms of RUN?
    ran, run
  • What are the past forms of EAT?
    ate, eaten
  • What are the past forms of BLOW?
    blew, blown
  • What are the past forms of BE?
    was/were - been
  • What are the past forms of SING?
    sang, sung
  • What are the past forms of GO?
    went, gone
  • What are the past forms of COME?
    came, come
  • What are the past forms of KNOW?
    knew, known
  • What are the past forms of RIDE?
    rode, ridden
  • What are the past forms of DRIVE?
    drove, driven
  • What are the past forms of GROW?
    grew, grown
  • What are the past forms of FALL?
    fell, fallen
  • What are the past forms of STEAL?
    stole, stolen
  • What are the past forms of WEAR?
    wore, worn