
C1 Past Regrets - Ready for Adv WB

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  • He had to travel with his family. PREFER
    He would prefer to have travelled on his own.
  • I really shouldn't have spent all my money on that game. WISH
    I wish I hadn't spent all my money on that game.
  • I wish I hadn't rushed on that last test. LIKED
    I would gave liked to have spent more time on that last test.
  • Hannah wanted to stay at home, but she went to the party anyway. SOONER
    Hannah went to the party even though she'd sooner have stayed home.
  • Why did eat that! ONLY
    If only I hadn't eaten that!
  • He didn't want to see the film with everyone else. RATHER
    He would rather have seen the film alone/by himself/without everyone else.
  • I regret that I didn't listen carefully to the instructions. WISH
    I wish I had paid more attention to the instructions.
  • It's a shame that noboby told me that the meeting had been called off. ONLY
    If only I had been told that the meeting had been called off.
  • I wish I could have come to your party! LIKE
    I would like to have come to your party!
  • I don't want coffee, I want tea! SOONER
    I'd sooner have tea (than coffee)