
Country + Nationality

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  • Country name What is the country famous for?
    Italy. Italy is famous for pasta, pizza, scooters, the Tower of Pisa.
  • Country name,  & What is the country famous for?
    Japan. Japan is famous for sushi, kimonos, bonsais, cars and samurais.
  • Country name. What is the country famous for?
    The USA.  The United States of America are famous for hamburgers, baseball, cowboys and the Statue of Liberty.
  • Country name & What is the country famous for?
    China. China is famous for panda bears, rice, terracotta worriers and cheap clothes.
  • Country name & What is the country famous for?
    France. France is famous for the baguettes, French cheese and wine, The Eiffel Tower and cycling.
  • Country name. What is the country famous for?
    Russia.  Russia is famous for Russian dolls, ballet, The Kremlin.
  • Country name. What is the country famous for?
    Canada.  Canada is famous for ice hockey, snow, maple syrup and the Niagara Falls.
  • Country name.  What is the country famous for?
    The United Kingdom. UK & British & The UK is famous for its capital, London, the Big Ben (Elizabeth Tower), the double decker bus.
  • Country name & What is the country famous for?
    Spain.  Spain is famous for bullfights, oranges, flamenco music and dancing, good food and wine.