
Focus on vocabulary (verbs)

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  • After hours of discussion, the parties involved finally reached an agreement to __________ the ongoing dispute.
    wrapped up
  • The landlord and tenant engaged in a series of __________ sessions to __________ the rental terms.
    wrap up, resolved
    expire, confirm
    negotiation, settle
    expire, negotiate
  • With the contract set to __________ soon, both parties were eager to __________ the terms and __________ the deal.
    expire, negotiate, settle
    expire, settle, confirm
    expire, confirm, settle
    settle, resolve, negotiate
  • The committee's decision to __________ the proposal was met with unanimous approval, officially __________ the matter.
    confirm, settling
    negotiate, settle
    accommodate, address
    urged, resolve
  • As the deadline was about to __________, the negotiators hurriedly tried to __________ the terms of the agreement.
    negotiate, settle
    expire, confirm
    resolve, settled
    urged, wrap up
  • The CEO __________ their commitment to __________ all outstanding issues within the organization.
    urged, wrapped up
    accommodate, address
    urged, resolve
    negotiate, settle
  • The team worked tirelessly to __________ the lingering issues and finally __________ the long-standing dispute.
    expire, confirm
    resolve, settled
    negotiate, settle
    urged, wrap up
  • The manager __________ the employees to promptly __________ any pending matters before the end of the month.
    expire, negotiate
    urged, wrap up
    wrap up, resolved
    accommodate, address
  • Despite the challenges, they managed to __________ the project successfully and __________ the loose ends.
    wrap up, resolved
    expire, confirm
    settle, resolve
    negotiate, settle
  • The hotel staff was always ready to __________ the guests' special requests and __________ any concerns.
    confirm, settling
    expire, confirm
    resolve, settled
    accommodate, address