
Comparatives and superlatives -English File Inte ...

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  • We don't go abroad __ often as we used to.
    We don't go abroad as often as we used to.
  • It's ___ most expensive car we've ever bought.
    It's the most expensive car we've ever bought.
  • The ____ interesting place I've ever visited is Venice.
    The most interesting place I've ever visited is Venice.
  • This is __________ train I've ever been on. (hot)
    This is the hottest train I've ever been on.
  • I think skiing is ________ horse-riding. (easy)
    I think skiing is easier than horse-riding.
  • What's the longest motorway __ the UK?
    What's the longest motorway in the UK?
  • He gets home late, but his wife arrives later than ___.
    He gets home late, but his wife arrives later than him.
  • A motorbike is ___________ a scooter. (powerful)
    A motorbike is more powerful a scooter.
  • This is the longest journey I've _____ been on.
    This is the longest journey I've ever been on.
  • ____________ time to travel is on holiday weekends. (bad)
    The worst time to travel is on holiday weekends.
  • I drive ___________ my partner. (slowly)
    I drive more slowly than my partner. (slowly)
  • I think that travelling by train is ______________ relaxing form of transport. (relaxing)
    I think that travelling by train is the most relaxing relaxing form of transport.
  • The traffic was worse ____ we expected.
    The traffic was worse than we expected.
  • Of all my family, my mum is ___________ driver. (good)
    Of all my family, my mum is the best driver.
  • I leave home at the same time __ my brother.
    I leave home at the same time as my brother.
  • The London Underground is ___________ the subway in New York. (old)
    The London Underground is older than the subway in New York.
  • A coach isn't as comfortable ___ a train
    A coach isn't as comfortable as a train
  • He drives ____ carefully than his friend - he's never had an accident.
    He drives more carefully than his friend - he's never had an accident.
  • ____________ I've ever driven is from Bogotá to Pasto. (far)
    The furthest I've ever driven is from Bogotá to Pasto.