
English File Intermediate Unit 7A Vocab

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  • My aim is to get a _________ of A+ in my final exam.
  • A school you go to from the ages of 11-18
    Secondary school
  • A school that's paid for by the government is a
    state school
  • Behave in a way that's not honest or fair in order to win or get something
  • To be made to suffer because you haven't followed the rules
    Be punished
  • A residential area, an area with lots of houses and/or apartments. Usually around the city centre.
    A suburb
  • The outer area/edge of a town, city or village
  • A place where students live at university
    Dormitory / halls of residence
  • An area outside the house where you can sit and relax
    Terrace / patio
  • A school where students live and study
    Boarding school
  • To not be allowed to attend a certain school anymore because of bad behaviour
    Be expelled
  • The lowest room in a house, or under the first floor/ground floor
  • The top part of a house that protects it from the weather
  • Study again, usually before a test
  • In the UK, people who attend elementary school are called...
  • The top part of a room
  • In the US, the school year is divided into
  • A school you go to from the ages of 6 to 12
    Elementary school / primary school
  • A school you go to at the ages of 2 to 4, but it's not compulsory
    Nursery (school) / Kindergarten
  • A place where you burn wood
    A fireplace
  • According to the US education system, after completing elementary school you go on to...
    Middle school/junior high school and high school
  • Small but comfortable
  • Describes a place that is large and has a lot of room
  • On the roof of the house, this thing lets the smoke out
  • I got a ___________ of 65%.
  • A small house that you would usually find in the countryside
    A cottage
  • A qualification you get after completing a university course
  • The person in charge of a school
    Head teacher
  • They are like stairs, but you can usually find them outside
  • Americans call this the first floor, but the British call it...
    the ground floor
  • What's the last year of high school called?
    Twelfth grade