
Kids' Games and Toys

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  • What kind of game is this?
    It's a hand-clap game.
  • What is this?
    It's a jigsaw puzzle.
  • What are they doing?
    It's a jungle gym,
  • What are they doing?
    They're dancing.
  • What is this?
    It's a swing.
  • What is she doing?
    She's reading a comic book.
  • What are these?
    They're dominoes.
  • What game is this?
    It's hopscotch.
  • What game is this?
    It's tag.
  • What is he doing?
    He's listening to music.
  • What game is this?
    It's musical chairs.
  • What is this?
    It's a rubik's cube.
  • What game is this?
    It's telephone.
  • What sport is this?
    It's basketball.
  • What is he doing?
    He's playing tablet games.
  • What is this?
    It's a see-saw.
  • What are these?
    They're cards.
  • What is this?
    It's a slide.
  • What sport is this?
    It's soccer / football.
  • What are they doing?
    They're playing video games.
  • What are they doing?
    They're jumping rope.
  • What game is this?
    It's freeze dance.
  • What are they doing?
    They're swimming.
  • What is this?
    It's a board game.
  • What game is this?
    It's hide and seek.
  • What sport is this?
    It's volleyball.