
A2 Comparative quiz

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  • Which country is (cold) - Russia or Canada? (lowest recorded temperature)
    colder- RUSSIA - -90 Canada - -81
  • Which country is (far)  from Spain - USA or Brazil?
    further - BRAZIL - 7639km usa - 7613km
  • Which pyramids are (old) - Egyptian or Mayan?
    older - EGYPTIAN
  • Which animal is (big) - a rhino or a hippo?
    bigger - HIPPO
  • Who is (old)- Cristiano Ronaldo or Leo Messi?
    older - RONALDO - 1985; Messi - 1987
  • Which pokemon card is (expensive) - charizard or pikachu?
    more expensive - CHARIZARD
  • Which animal is (loud) - a lion or a monkey?
    louder - MONKEY (howler monkey - 140 decibels) lion (114 decibels)
  • Which animal has a (strong) bite - a polar bear or a hippo?
    stronger - HIPPO
  • Which football stadium is (tall)?
    taller - NOU CAMP - 48m bernabeu - 45m
  • Which animal is (fast) - a horse or an ostrich(avestruz)?
    faster - OSTRICH
  • Which structure is (heavy)  - The Great Wall of China or The Great Pyramid of Giza?
  • Which animal is ( dangerous) - dogs or crocodiles? (humans killed per year )
    more dangerous - DOGS - 25000 crocodiles - 1000
  • Which planet is (small) - Venus or Mars?
    smaller - MARS
  • Which country is (hot) - Qatar or Senegal? (average temperature)
    hotter - SENEGAL - 28.65 Qatar- 28.02
  • Which country is (high) - Afghanistan or Andorra? (average height above sea level)
    higher - ANDORRA - 6550ft Afghanistan - 6180ft
  • Which car is (expensive) - A Bugatti or a Rolls Royce?
    more expensive - ROLLS ROYCE - 28 million Bugatti - 18.7 million
  • Which country is (happy) - Finland or The Netherlands (Holland)?
    happier - FINLAND
  • Who is (young) - Pep Guardiola or Zinedine Zidane?
    younger - ZIDANE (1972) guardiola (1971)