
P3 Tales (Ch1-4)

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  • Where did Peter win Dribble? (p.1)
    At Jimmy Fargo's birthday party
  • What did Mrs Yarby buy for Fugdge? (p.16)
    A windup (toy) train
  • Who was the president of Juicy-O company? (p.7)
    Mr Yarby
  • What did Father do with the bowl of cereal? (p.35)
    Father dumped the bowl of cereal right over Fudge's head.
  • Why was Peter jealous of Fudge? (p.30)
    Fudge got a lot of attention of his parents.
  • What was Fudge's favourite food? (p.33)
    Lamb chops
  • What was Juicy-O? (p.5)
    A drink that tasted like a combination of oranges, pineapples, grapefruits, pears and bananas.
  • Why did Peter not like to sleep with Fudge? (p.8-9)
    He talked in his sleep and made slurping noise.
  • Where did Mr and Mrs Yarby sleep in Peter's house? *p.8)
    Fudge's bedroom.
  • Why did Peter say he "had always wanted the picture dictionary" when he already had one? (p.17)
    He had to be polite/ Did not want to hurt her feeling
  • What did Fudge do when he got mad? (p.6)
    He threw himself flat on the floor and screamed. (And he kicked and banged his fists.)
  • What did Mrs Yarby buy for Peter? (p.17)
    A big picture dictionary
  • How did Peter make Fudge eat? (p.29)
    He stood on his head. When Fudge laughed, Mother stuffed some baked potato into his mouth.
  • How did Fudge behave like a real dog? (p.31)
    He ate under the table.
  • What did Fudge ask for when Mother served him lamb chops? (p.33)
    Corn flakes
  • Why did Mr and Mrs Yarby think Fudge had no manners? (p.21-24)
    He brought Dribble to Mrs Yarby during dinner./ He wore a rubber gorilla mask to scare Mrs Yarby./ He played with his toy train noisily in the morning.
  • What did Peter's father do in his job? (p.5)
    He wrote commercials