
Riddles, What am I?

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  • You go at red, but you stop when its green, what am I?
    watermelon or strawberry -- you eat the red part, but don't eat the green part
  • I spend the day in the window and I hide at night. When I get hungry I will visit your table for a meal. What am I?
    a fly
  • I can point in every direction, but I can’t reach the destination by myself. What am I?
    a finger
  • I always follow you around everywhere you go at night. I look very bright to people, but I can make the sun very dark. I can be in many different forms and shapes. What am I?
    a moon
  • I contain 26 letters, but only have three syllables. What am I?
  • Children love to play with me but not inside, only out. Watch out for the wires and trees for you could tangle me. Look up and watch me dance, the faster you run the faster I will wiggle. What am I?
    a kite
  • I’m the kind of fish that chases a mouse. What am I?
    a catfish
  • I'm not alive, but I have five fingers. What am I?
    a glove
  • I’m white and perfect for cutting and grinding. I’m a useful tool for most animals. What am I?
  • I get answered even though I never ask a question. What am I?
    a doorbell or knock
  • I have 13 hearts, but no other organs. What am I?
    a deck of cards
  • I can fly without wings and cry without eyes. What am I?
    a cloud
  • I lose my head in the morning, but I get it back at night. What am I?
    a pillow
  • People walk in and out of me. They push, and I follow. When they walk out of me, I close up and I stay waiting for the next person to walk into my life. What am I?
    an elevator
  • I have lakes with no water, mountains with no stone, and cities with no buildings. What am I?
  • People love me for winter sports. Go up or down, but safety is the key. It’s cold at the top and warmer down below. What am I?
    a mountain
  • I have one head, one foot, and four legs. What am I?
    a bed
  • I have a frame, but no pictures. I have poles, but I don’t stand up. What am I?
  • I can jump, and I can climb. With my many legs, I swing from tree to tree. I can make a house much bigger than me. What am I?
  • I twist and turn and leave a loop. What am I?
    a shoe string
  • People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I?
  • I sound like one letter, but am written with three. I show you things when you look through me. What am I?
    an eye
  • My rings are not worth much, but they tell my age. What am I?
    a tree
  • I come out at night without being called. I’m lost in the day without being stolen. What am I?