
B2 Upper Intermediate 2 - Headway Units 5 review

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  • Shall we open a bottle of wine?
    an intention
    a prediction
    a suggestion
  • Jim and I are getting married in June
    a suggestion
    a spontaneous decision
    an arrangement
  • Are you going into town later?
    I doubt it
    I might one day
  • Will there be more jobs this year?
    It will be
    There might be
  • Mmm... I'm hungry... I’ll go and get some popcorn.
    an intention
    a spontaneous decision
    a prediction
  • The class finishes at four o’clock
    a future fact based on a timetable
    an arrangement
    a prediction
  • Do you think he’ll ever get married?
    He might be
    I hope so
  • What is she doing tomorrow?
    It's possible
    I have no idea