
Complete First 3rd Ed > Unit 1 Vocab Revision

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  • Housework. Stand up and mime the action "dust"/"dusting".
  • Add a prefix to form the opposite of polite.
  • Add a prefix to form the opposite of organised. There are 2.
  • Julie finally admitted to the principal that her turtle did not eat her homework, and that she had ...  (Phrasal verb)the whole thing.
    made up
  • What verb do we use when we say we "prepare" the table.
  • What does considerate mean? Give a definition or make a sentence.
    kind, thoughtful and helpful
  • At the weekend teenagers often ____ ____ with friends in the shopping centre.
    hang out
  • Add a prefix to form the opposite of honest.
  • Add a prefix to form the opposite of sensitive.
  • Add a prefix to form the opposite of concerned. And make a sentence to show the meaning.
  • Add a prefix to form the opposite of logical.
  • Make a sentence to show the meaning of reliable.
    Toby is very reliable - if he says he'll do something, he'll do it.
  • If there is a lot of dust or bits on the floor, we ____ it.
  • The Mafia boss said "Toni, we're ... (Phrasal verb) you to handle this problem for the family."
    counting on
  • Name 3 adjectives that are usually positive.
    hard-working, bright, considerate, honest, enthusiastic, mature, polite, wise, responsible, reliable.
  • We _____ the washing out to dry.
  • Add a prefix to form the opposite of mature.
  • Use bossy in a sentence to show its meaning.
    My sister is so bossy - she's always telling me what to do!
  • I don't expect a lot of people to ... (Phrasal verb) at this event because it's on a Tuesday night.
    turn up
  • You have 10 seconds to write 3 prefixes on the whiteboard.
    -dis -in -im -ir -un