
A0 Summer Vocab Revision

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  • Name 5 irregular verbs
    get, go, have, go, buy, send etc
  • A child, a man, a woman and a person. But two...
    two children, two men, two women and two people.
  • Can you name 8 colours?
    Black, blue, brown, green etc
  • Name 3 drinks
    Water, milk, Orange juice etc
  • Tell me three directions. e.g. turn ______ go _______ etc
    turn left, turn right, go straight on
  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
    First, second, third, fourth, fifth
  • There is/are... (4 things)
    There is a board. There is a door. There are chairs etc
  • Opposite adjectives: big/_____ old/______ fast/_______ beautiful/_______
  • How do you say 'No entiendo' in English?
    I don't understand
  • What are these numbers? 13/30 15/50
  • Name five jobs
    a nurse, a doctor etc
  • Name 4 places where people work
    a hospital, a factory etc
  • Opposite adjectives... cheap/_____ long/______ dirty/_______ easy/_______
    expensive... short... clean... difficult
  • Name 3 dairy products
    Milk, yogurt, cheese, butter
  • Tell me the 12 months of the year
    January, Febuary etc
  • Name 3 kinds of films
    Action, comedy, drama, science fiction, animation etc
  • Tell me 5 things you see in a hotel room
    Pillow, TV, lamp, etc
  • breakfast, lunch and ________
  • Name three nationalities
    British, American, Spanish etc
  • Name 7 members of the family, e.g. brother, son...
    father, mother, sister, grandmother etc
  • Count from 10 to 20
    Ten, eleven, twelve, etc
  • Tell me 5 places in a hotel
    Spa, gym, restaurant etc
  • How do you say 'No sé' in English?
    I don't know
  • Who says 'Open your books, page 25?'
    The teacher
  • Who says 'Sorry, I'm late teacher?'
    The student
  • this _____ these ______
    this that these those
  • What is your favourite meal?
    e.g. meat, potatoes and carrots
  • Name three countries
    USA, Italy, etc