
Keep the Conversation Going

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  • Your mom says, "I need to go to the grocery store" What follow-up q's can you make?
    Did your question stay on topic?
  • React: "I lost my phone at a concert."
  • React: "I forgot my best friend's birthday."
  • Your friend says, "It's so cold out! I hate winter." What follow-up q's can you make?
    Did your comment/question stay on topic?
  • Your friend says, "It's my birthday this weekend" What follow-up q's can you make?
    Did your question stay on topic?
  • Your classmate says, "Today was the best day ever!" What follow-up q's can you make?
    Did your comment/question stay on topic?
  • React: "I'm going to have a baby!"
  • React: "I won the lottery."
  • Your friend says, "I love Halloween." What follow-up q's can you make?
    Did your comment/question stay on topic?
  • React: "I received a promotion"
  • React: "I broke-up with my boyfriend/girlfriend."
  • React: "I missed the bus for work."
  • Your friend says, "I have so much to do today". What follow-up q's can you make?
    Did your question stay on topic?
  • Your friend says, "I have been planning a fun trip." What follow-up q's can you make?
    Did your question stay on topic?
  • Your friend says, "I am so angry and frustrated!" What follow-up q's can you make?
    Did your comment stay on topic?
  • Your teacher asks, "what did you do this weekend?" What follow-up q's can you make?
    Did your comment stay on topic?
  • Your friend says, "My favorite TV show is Spongebob." What follow-up q's can you make?
    Did your comment stay on topic?
  • Your friend says, "I had a great weekend!" What follow-up q's can you make?
    Did your question stay on topic?
  • Your friend says, "I am going to the movies tonight!" What follow-up q's can you make?
    Did your question stay on topic?
  • Your friend says, "I can't wait for tomorrow!" What follow-up q's can you make?
    Did your question stay on topic?
  • React: "I failed my quiz."
  • Your friend says, "I am going camping with my mom and dad." What follow-up q's can you make?
    Did your question stay on topic?