
Grade Three Classroom rules!

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  • Can you explain why it's important to follow the directions of the teacher?
  • How can you show kindness to someone who might be struggling or feeling sad?
  • When can we play football?
  • How do you get a raffle ticket?
  • How do we line up outside?
  • Can we sit on the court to watch people play football?
  • How should you treat books and other learning materials in the classroom?
  • How do we ask to use the bathroom?
  • When can we use a ball?
  • How do we get a smiley point?
  • When is it okay to leave your seat without asking the teacher?
  • How do you move up to the star?
  • What are the rules about using electronic devices (phones) in class?
  • What is the rule about using indoor voices inside the classroom?
  • What's the proper way to enter and exit the classroom?
  • Can you tell me one way to show respect to your classmates?