
spotting a toxic workplace

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  • I was so relieved to finally get that problem resolved and stop it from _____ at me anymore
  • He's always _____, constantly trying to win people over with his charm and flattery.
  • ... but I have some concerns about the book you're so passionate about. (idiom)
    I don't want to rain on your parade...
  • Dealing with an _____ can be difficult, as they tend to prioritize their own interests over others.
  • The two politicians were _____ during the debate, each trying to make the other look bad. (idiom)
    at each other's throats
  • His ______ comments during the presentation made it clear that he was more interested in impressing the audience than in providing useful information.
  • Whenever we work together, there seems to be a lot of ______ between us.
  • Last year, he _____ himself with the amazing party he threw for his wife's birthday.