
Rebecca/Daphne du Maurier

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  • Rebecca´s dead. She can´t harm you anymore.
    Mrs de Winter to Maxim
  • It looks as though the day were breaking over there, beyond those hills.
    Mrs de Winter about Manderley - it was on fire
  • Don´t imagine that he´s in love with you!
    Mrs Van Hopper to Mrs de Winter - she tried to talk her out of the marriage to Maxim
  • What we want to know is, what the devil she came to see you about on the day she died?
    Favell to Dr Baker
  • If I catch you looking through the windows here I´ll have you put in the madhouse.
    Rebecca to Ben
  • If I had a child, Max, neither you nor anyone in the world could prove that it was not yours.
    Rebecca to Maxim
  • Max de Winter murdered Rebecca, and I'm going to prove it.
    Favell to Colonel Julyan
  • The fishes have eaten her up by now, haven´t they?
    Ben to Mrs de Winter - he meant Rebecca
  • I don´t want you to bear this alone. I want to share it with you.
    Mrs de Winter to Maxim - it was when they found Rebecca's body in the sunken boat
  • The woman who called herself Mrs Danvers was very seriously ill.
    Dr Baker about Rebecca's illness
  • It was her last joke. The best of them all.
    Maxim about Rebecca's lie - she lied to Maxim about her pregnancy
  • What I want to know is this. Who made the holes in her? Rocks didn´t do it.
    James Tabb, the boatbuilder
  • I suppose I was fonder of Rebecca than of anyone else in the world.
    Favell to Mrs De Winter
  • I've laid all my cards on the table. Why can't we come to some agreement?
    Favell to Maxim when he tried to threaten him.
  • She was not in love with you, or with Mr de Winter. She was in love with anyone
    Mrs Danvers said it to Favell. She talked about Rebecca.
  • Rebecca has won.
    Maxim to Mrs de Winter
  • It's my opinion, sir, that the boat never turned at all. She was sunk on purpose.
    James Tabb, the boatbuilder
  • I never seen no one.
    Ben to Colonel Julyan when they they questioned him about Rebecca's death.
  • I've got something to tell you and I want to see you as soon as possible.
    Rebecca to Favell - it was a note that Favell found.
  • By the way, it would be very sporting of you not to say anything to May about my little visit.
    Favell to Mrs De Winter - he visited Manderley without Maxim's permission
  • I shall always blame myself for the accident.
    Mrs Danvers to Mrs de Winter - she felt responsible for Rebecca's death
  • Mrs de Winter needn´t worry about anything.
    Mrs Danvers to Maxim - they discussed the fancy dress party
  • I don´t want to be put in the madhouse.
    Ben to Mrs de Winter
  • What the devil do you think you are doing?
    Maxim to Mrs de Winter - he was angry because she wore the same dress as Rebecca at the fancy dress party
  • Why didn't she tell me? She used to tell me everything.
    Mrs Danvers to Colonel Julyan. She talked about Rebecca's secret doctor appointment.