
Relative clauses

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  • The movie that we watched last weekend was a comedy.
    defining relative clause
  • The Beatles who were a British band revolutionised the music industry in the 1960s.
    The Beatles, who were a British band, revolutionised the music industry in the 1960s.
  • The Eiffel Tower which is located in Paris is one of the most famous landmarks in the world.
    The Eiffel Tower, which is located in Paris, is one of the most famous landmarks in the world.
  • My sister who is a doctor just got back from a medical mission in Africa.
    My sister, who is a doctor, just got back from a medical mission in Africa.
  • My best friend who lives in New York is coming to visit me next month.
    My best friend, who lives in New York, is coming to visit me next month.
  • The park where we had a picnic last summer was beautiful.
    defining relative clause
  • The hotel where we stayed last vacation had a great view of the ocean.
    defining relative clause
  • The restaurant where we had dinner last night had amazing food.
    defining relative clause
  • The Statue of Liberty which was a gift from France is a symbol of freedom and democracy.
    The Statue of Liberty, which was a gift from France, is a symbol of freedom and democracy.
  • The person who called me earlier was my best friend.
    defining relative clause