
Future forms

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  • What are some potential breakthroughs or advancements you think might occur in the field of science?
  • What activities or hobbies do you imagine yourself engaging in regularly in the future?
  • Are you going away soon? Where are you going?
  • What are you doing after class today?
  • How do you think work-life balance might be different in the future compared to now?
  • Who will be the next person to send you a message or email?
  • How do you think technology will shape our lives in the future?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years from now?
  • Are there any challenges or obstacles that you might face in achieving your future goals?
  • What will you be eating for dinner tonight?
  • Will you start work or change jobs soon? Why/Why not?
  • How much time will you spend practising English this week?
  • What will you be doing at this time next year?
  • Are there any trips or vacations you are planning to take in the coming months?
  • What are some personal goals or aspirations you have for the near future?
  • Will you be going out tonight? Why/Why not?
  • What might be different in your life in five years’ time?
  • Do you think you’ll ever set up your own company? Why/Why not?
  • What are you going to do next summer?
  • What changes do you predict will happen in the education system in the next decade?
  • What will you be doing at this time tomorrow?