
Doodle town 2 review u6,7,8,9

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  • how is the mouse?
  • what's the weather like?
    it's sunny
  • where is it?
    it's airport
  • what's the weather like?
    it's windy
  • what is it?
    it's cereal
  • how is the car?
    it's old
  • how is the car?
    it's new
  • what is it?
    it's bread
  • what's the weather like?
    it's cloudy
  • what are these?
    these are eggs
  • where is it?
    it's fire station
  • how is the dog?
    the dog is very long
  • what are these?
    these are pancakes
  • what is it?
    it's yogurt
  • where is it?
    it's a pool
  • how is the elephant?
    it's big
  • what's the weather like?
    it's rainy
  • where is it?
    it's library
  • what's the weather like?
    it's snowy
  • how is the pencil?
    it's short
  • where is it?
    it's police station
  • where is it?
    it's the park
  • where is it?
    it's pizza shop
  • where is it?
    it's toy store