
Cultural shock

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  • In which country is it rude to touch someone's head?
  • In which country you should never eat all the food on your plate, as it implies that the host did not provide enough food? • Italy? • China? • India?
  • In which of these countries is it expected that you always raise your glass lower than your senior manager? • Italy? • Argentina? • South Korea?
    South Korea
  • In which country is rude to point with your index finger?
  • Slurping your soup loudly is NOT considered rude in: • France • Japan? • The United Kingdom?
    Japan & China
  • In which countries must you eat or greet someone with your right hand?
    India and most Middle East countries
  • What is culture shock?
    Feelings of uncertainty, confusion, or anxiety that people may experience when moving to a new country or experiencing a new culture.
  • In which country does nodding your head up and down mean ‘no’? • Bulgaria? • Russia? • Thailand?
  • In which country is it considered offensive to leave a tip after a meal? • USA? • Japan? • Brazil?
  • True or False? Wearing a burqa or a niqab (Muslim veil covering women's face) is forbidden in France
    True. They made it illegal since 2011. Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium and followed this.
  • In which country is the number 4 considered unlucky? • Iran? • Brazil? • China?
  • In Qatar, crossing your legs pointing your feet to someone is very rude. True or false?
    True. It means that you believe the person is beneath you
  • In Dubai your business meeting may be interrupted for which one of these reasons?
    Exchanging business cards
    Having coffee
  • In which Middle Eastern countries is it offensive to show the thumbs up ??
    Iran, Afghanistan and neighbouring countries. It's like showing the middle finger