
45 Second Speech Game

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  • What would your superpower be?
  • Would you go to Mars?
  • Puppy sized elephant or elephant sized puppy?
  • What would you do if you won the lottery?
  • Cloning people is it really a good idea?
  • Are selfies dumb?
  • The best excuse for not doing your homework
  • Tell us about a nickname you have or had and how you got it.
  • Convince us that homework is harmful to your health.
  • If you were the teacher, how would our class be different?
  • Describe how you would modify a snail so it can go faster.
  • You are a mad scientist. Tell us about your latest invention.
  • You are a piece of paper. Describe how we should use you before you get recycled.
  • You started as just a paperboy, but now you’re rich. How did you become a millionaire?