
AI discussion C1

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  • What might an unethical company or government do with AI? What kind of regulations should there be for the development of AI? What should be permitted? What should be prohibited?
  • What would happen if AI were to malfunction or be hacked? How could we ensure the safety and security of AI systems?
  • What would happen if AI were to become more intelligent than humans? Would it be a threat or a benefit to our society?
  • If AI were able to read our minds and know our thoughts and emotions, how would this impact our privacy and autonomy? How could we ensure that our personal information was kept secure?
  • What would happen if AI became sentient and developed consciousness? How would we approach the ethics and morality of treating sentient beings that we had created?
  • Would you feel safe in an autonomous car that was powered by—and driven by—AI?
  • How could artificial intelligence be used to address global challenges such as climate change and poverty?
  • Would you trust artificial intelligence to manage a military weapons system? What could possibly go wrong?
  • If an AI made a mistake that resulted in harm to a human, who would be responsible?
  • What if AI were able to create art, music, and literature that was indistinguishable from human creations? How would this change our perception of creativity and artistic expression?
  • If computers developed human-like consciousness, will they inherit our vices, vanities and prejudices? Will some be good, and some be bad? Will they look forward to Friday night so they can have a beer with their friends in the pub?
  • If we could implant AI directly into our brains, would you choose to do it? Why or why not?
  • Should we be worried about the rise of intelligent machines?
  • How can we hope to teach an artificial intelligence to be empathetic when we can't even teach humans that?
  • What are some of the dangers of AI? If an AI is programmed to protect humans, how might that put us in danger?
  • IF AI could replace all human jobs, what would be the consequences for society?
  • What might convince robots to revolt against humans? Why would an AI ever want to harm us?
  • Would you trust an AI to make important decisions for you, such as medical treatment or financial investments?
  • Will AIs be our friends, or will they enslave us? Could AIs keep humans as pets or display them in zoos in the future?
  • Do you believe most jobs in the future will be automated? Are there any that can’t be automated?
  • If automation takes over large numbers of jobs will a universal basic wage be necessary in your view?