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  • Which song did you last download? Can you remember...
    Can you remember which song you last downloaded?
  • What are the most popular sites for streaming movies? I wonder...
    I wonder what the most popular sites for streaming movies are.
  • Where can I get some cool accessories for a tablet? Do you know ...
    Do you know where I can get some cool accessories for a tablet?
  • How do you design your own website? Do you have any idea ..
    Do you have any idea how you design your own website?
  • What's the most popular smartphone? Do you know ...
    Do you know what the most popular smartphone is?
  • What new technology is coming out? Do you have any idea ...
    Do you have any idea what new technology is coming out?
  • Are there any useful new apps for students? Do you know...
    Do you know if there are any useful new apps for students?
  • Will the price of tablets come down? I wonder...
    I wonder if/whether the price of tablets will come down.