
G10 - revision vocab

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  • The ______ of employment nowadays does not mostly depends on someone’s sex but their ability.
    C. preference
  • The discrimination on women in society discourage them ______ pursuing their careers.
    C. from
  • Their ___________________ of the plan caused the experiment to be abandoned. (APPROVE)
  • Violence at school is obviously a burning issue which needs ________.
    A. addressing
  • They voted ________ the prohibition of smoking in public
    B. in favour of
  • Diversity includes physical appearance, religious belief, and race but your opinions and thoughts and the impact they make on society are also part of diversity. (CLOSEST MEANING)
    A. influence
  • Stores everywhere compete to sell their distinctive versions of Christmas cake before the holiday. (OPPOSITE MEANING)
    C. similar
  • Today, gender inequality still persists everywhere and stagnates social ______.
    A. progress
  • UNDP believes that the gender inequalities and ________ attitudes and practices that hold women back, must be confronted and eliminated, if we are to leave no one behind.
    C. discriminatory
  • Even though both developed and developing countries have tried to ________ the gender inequality issue, the issue still persists in many nations.
    C. address
  • As of 2014, 143 countries have guaranteed equality between men and women in their Constitution but 52 have yet to _______ this step.
    D. take
  • She was aware of gender ___________________ in favour of men in her company. (PREFER)
  • To have a successful marriage, you need to have ______ attitude and behavior toward your partner.
    A. proper
  • The least equal country in the world for women, ranking 145th, was Yemen, where only 55% of women can read and only 6% ________ college.
    A. attend
  • Gender _______ is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.
    C. equality
  • Maternity leave and the reproductive role may also result ________ discrimination against women in the prospects for promotion.
    B. in
  • The father should ________ example for his children by sharing the housework with his wife on a daily basis.
    B. set
  • Both genders have the ______ to enjoy the same opportunities and protections.
    D. right
  • It was strongly ______ for Annie to hear that all co-workers would support her project.
    A. encouraging
  • As I’m still a 16-year-old girl, my dad ______ me ______ be at home before 9p.m.
    D. forces/to