
C1.1 Travel

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  • How do you describe a place has not changed and has not been affected by human activity?
  • What verb do you use to talk about treating yourself well and giving yourself "a present"?
    pamper yourself
  • What verb phrase can you use to describe taking a leisurely walk?
    go for a stroll, wander around
  • How do you describe the part of a city that is in bad state of repair?
  • What verb describes relaxing completely, not allowing anything to disturb you?
    chill out / unwind
  • How do you describe a place that is designed for tourists and attracts many of them?
  • How would you describe something that is not in good taste?
  • What verb describes negotiating with the seller the price that you are going to pay for something?
  • How do you describe something that is often seen as a symbol, for example, of a place?
  • What verb phrase do you use to indicate that you tend to take too many things on your luggage when you travel?
  • What idiom means that the experience of travelling makes you more willing to accept other ideas, people and cultures?
    Travel broadens the mind
  • How do you describe a place that is not known to many people and not part of the main tourist routes?
    off the beaten path / track
  • How do you describe a place that is especially attractive because it is quite unusual and somehow resembles old times?
  • What phrase do you use to indicate that you feel dizzy and often vomit when you travel by boat?
    get seasick
  • What verb phrase describes taking a holiday on a ship that stops periodically for sightseeing?
    go on a cruise
  • How do you describe something that does not receive enough credit or has got a worse reputation than it deserves?