
Egg and Chicken Idioms

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  • to spoil something by trying too hard to improve it
    over-egg the pudding
  • to be very busy doing a lot of things, but in a way that is not very effective
    run round like a headless chicken
  • a coward
    a chicken
  • extremely mad or angry
    as mad as a wet hen
  • no longer young
    to be no spring chicken
  • ou cannot achieve something important without causing a few small problems
    you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs
  • a bad or despised person
    rotten egg
  • to destroy something that makes a lot of money for you
    kill the goose that lays the golden egg
  • you should not make plans that depend on something good happening before you know that it has actually happened
    don’t count your chickens before they hatch
  • small amount of money
    chicken feed
  • illegible handwriting
    one's handwriting is like a chicken scratch
  • someone who is weak or sickly
    a chicken with the pip
  • to go to bed early
    go to bed with the chickens
  • an amount of money that has been saved or kept for a special purpose
    nest egg
  • to be embarrassed
    have egg on your face
  • to be very careful not to offend or upset someone
    walk on eggshells
  • for certain
    sure as eggs is eggs
  • to depend for your success on a single person or plan of action
    put all your eggs in one basket