
How People Communicated in the Past: passage

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  • What system uses codes to send messages?
  • If you want to send a telegram, what must you do first?
    First, you must go to the telegram office.
  • Why did Korea use smoke signals?
    It was a fast and easy way to communicate.
  • In korea, what did smoke from one tower mean?
    Smoke from one tower meant all is well(good).
  • After you arrive, who do you tell your message to?
    Telegram Operator
  • People sent smoke ______ to others far away from them.
  • What was the Pigeon Post system popular?
    Because it was fast and free.
  • Where did people put towers?
    on hills and mountains
  • What did smoke from 2 towers mean?
    It meant danger.
  • What makes pigeons good messengers?
    They are great at finding their way home.
  • What certain animal did people use to communicate?
    They used pigeons. 비둘기
  • Then the operator would send your message to the office _______ to your friend.
  • What was the pigeon system called?
    It was called Pigeon Post.
  • How did people communicate in the past?
    They used smoke signals to communicate in the past.
  • After being sent to the closet office, the message was turned into another code.
    False- back to words.
  • One __________ in using the smoke signal system was that it was hard to see on rainy days.
    drawback, disadvantage, con, negative , problem
  • Sometimes smoke towers were used to _____ of danger!
  • Where did a trainer attach the letter?
    They attached a letter to the leg of a pigeon.
  • What did people train pigeons to do?
    They trained pigeons to deliver letters.
  • What were the problems with Pigeon Post?
    Sometimes they got lost or delivered the message to the wrong person.
  • After telling the operator, what happens next?
    The Operator rewrote the message with a special code.
  • What did koreans use instead of smoke signals on rainy days?
    They used messengers to send messages.
  • ________ show that people all over the world used smoke signals.
  • What wars was the Pigeon Post system used?
    In World War 1 and World War 2.
  • Smoke signals ________ news from one tower after another.
  • For those times, the telegram system was fast, convienent , and accurate.
    false-not convienent
  • The telegram system sounds ___________.
  • __________, a messenger would deliver your telegram to your friend.