
Who can guess the closest

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  • How many Mcdonalds restaurants are there worldwide?
  • What year were the Pyramids built?
    Roughly 2550 to 2490 B.C.
  • How long is the Great Wall of China?
    21,196 km
  • How high is Mount Everest?
    8,849 m
  • What year did man land on the Moon?
  • What year was Leonardo Da Vinci born?
  • As of 2021 What is the population of Iceland
  • Worldwide, how many people watched the World Cup final?
    1.5 billion
  • How many people live in Brazil?
    214.3 million
  • How many chickens are there worldwide?
    33 billion
  • Approximately how many views does Baby Shark have on Youtube?
    As of March 2023 12.3 billion
  • How many vending machines are there in Japan
    5 million
  • How far is The Moon from earth?
    384,400 km
  • How tall is the Burj Khalifa?
    828 metres
  • How many cups of tea does the average Turkish person consume each year?
  • What year was the Leaning Tower of Pisa completed?
  • How long is the River Nile?
    6,650 km
  • How many kangaroos are there in Australia?
    42.7 million