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  • You missed the last train and can't get home.
    I wish I hadn't missed the last train./ I wish I could get home
  • your computer broke and you've lost all your files.
    I was I had copied the files.
  • you were very shy when you were younger.
    if only I had been braver (less shy).
  • your friend often drives too fast.
    If only my friend wouldn't drive so fast
  • A real regret that you have.
  • You haven't eaten since last night. It's 1 a.m., you're at work and starving.
    If only I had some sandwich =) I wish I had some time to eat.
  • A real regret that you have.
  • you're in trouble for not paying your taxes.
    If only I had paid my taxes.
  • you were fired for throwing a pen at your boss.
    If only I hadn't thrown a pen at my boss.
  • You were born in a country you don't like.
    If only I had been born in.....(passive voice)
  • You were ill on your lost birthday and had to cancel.
    If only I hadn't been ill.
  • Your mother shows your baby photos to all your friends.
    I wish my mother would stop showing my baby photos to my friends.
  • You regret getting married so young.
    If only I hadn't married so young.
  • Your partner is always late.
    If only my partner would stop being late.
  • Your partner is lazy and never helps with the housework.
    If only my partner would help me with the housework.
  • You regret you're too short to play professional basketball.
    If only I were taller.
  • You went on Safari, but didn't see an elephant.
    I wish I had seen an elephant.
  • You'd like to see a match tonight, but you have to work.
    I wish I could see the match./I wish I didn't have to work (tonight)
  • The man next to you on the plane can't keep still.
    I wish the man next to me WOULD keep still (diff person)
  • You'd love to dance salsa with your friend but you can't.
    I wish I could dance.
  • You'd like to go on holiday this year but can't afford it.
    I wish I had enough money.
  • A real regret that you have.
  • You shouted at your mother in an argument.
    I regret shouting at my mother... or If only I hadn't shouted at my mother
  • You tripped  while running down some escalators and broke your arm.
    I wish I had been more attentive.
  • A real regret that you have.