
B1 Old Writing Part 1

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  • When she was young, she loved playing with Barbie. She ________ love playing with Barbie when she was young.
    used to
  • There are only a few cars in the car park. There aren't ___________ cars in the car park.
  • Only girls can use this changing room. You can only use this changing room ______ you are a girl.
  • He was taught how to drive by a very good teacher. The teacher _______ taught him how to drive was very good.
    who / that
  • He plays the guitar really well. He's really _________ playing guitar.
    good at
  • Magazines can be bought in this shop. You ____________ magazines in this shop.
    can buy
  • I prefer chocolate ice cream to vanilla. I like chocolate ice cream __________ vanilla.
    more than
  • They run because they want to get fit. They want to get fit, _____ they run.
  • She must not smoke in the library. She is not ____________ to smoke in the library.
    allowed / permitted
  • We're too young to drive a car. We aren't ______________ to drive a car.
    old enough
  • We prefer P.E. to Language. We like P.E. _________ Language.
    more than
  • Living in France is more exciting than going there on holiday. Going on holiday to France isn't as _________ living there.
    exciting as
  • Sarah plays the violin very well. Sarah is really __________ playing violin.
    good at
  • When I was young I enjoyed swimming. I ______________ enjoy swimming when I was young.
    used to
  • He doesn't enjoy sports, but he cycles every day. _________ he doesn't enjoy sports, he cycles every day.
    Although / Though / Even though
  • She is better at tennis than any other sport. Tennis is her __________ sport.
  • You can only be a teacher if you have a degree. You can't be a teacher _________ you have a degree.
  • There is a bar in that restaurant. That restaurant _______ a bar.
    has / has got
  • There are only a few parks in my neighbourhood. There aren't very ___________ parks in my neighbourhood.
  • When she was young, her family was rich. Her family _______ be rich when she was young.
    used to
  • It is a good idea to do exercise. Everybody __________ do exercise.
    should / ought to
  • I prefer playing football to reading books. I like playing football __________ reading books.
    more than
  • Water is better for you than fizzy drinks. Fizzy drinks aren't ___________ for you as water.
    as good
  • If you want to drive a car, you need a driving licence. You can't drive a car _________ you have a driving licence.
  • He doesn't read much now but when he was a kid he loved it. He ____________ read a lot when he was a child.
    used to
  • My friend asked me if I was ready. My friend asked, "______________ ready"?
    Are you
  • The book was so boring that I couldn't read it. It was _________ boring book that I couldn't read it.
    such a
  • Cooking is not easy. It is _____________ to cook.
    difficult / hard / not easy
  • There are six bedrooms in that house. The house _______ six bedrooms.
    has / has got
  • He finds maths boring. He is ____________ by maths.
  • You should stop playing and do your homework. If I were you, ________ stop playing and do my homework.
    I'd (I would)
  • She sings better than anyone else. She is ____________ singer.
    the best
  • The book was very boring. It was ______ very interesting book.
    not a
  • This toy was made in China. They __________ this toy in China.
  • Only girls can use this changing room. You can't use this changing room ______ you are a girl.
  • They made these boots in America. These boots ___________ in America.
    were made
  • She took a long time to decide what to eat. She spent a long time ___________ what to eat.
  • He was taught how to drive by a very good teacher. A very good teacher __________ how to drive.
    taught him
  • It's too cold for swimming. It isn't warm _____________ for swimming.
  • The moment he started living in France, his French improved. His French improved as __________ he started living in France.
    soon as