
Academy Stars 2 - Units 1 and 2

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  • Can you finish the sentences?
    The black cat is under the red bed.
  • Are there any...? How many are there?
    Yes, there are. There are 30 trees.
  • What's your favourite animal? Why?
    EXAMPLE: My favourite animal is... because I think it's very beautiful.
  • Are there any...? How many are there?
    Yes, there are. There are 60 insects.
  • Can you finish the sentences?
    My mum has got a funny wig
  • Can you finish the sentences?
    The frog and the dog are on the log
  • Are there any...? How many are there?
    Yes, there are. There are 40 worms.
  • Are there any...? How many are there?
    No, there aren't. There aren't any turtles.
  • Are there any...? How many are there?
    Yes, there are. There are 50 fish.
  • Are there any...? How many are there?
    No, there aren't. There aren't any crocodiles.