
About Italy

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  • Which sea borders Italy to the south?
    Mediterranean Sea
  • Which Italian volcano erupted in 79AD and covered Pompeii in ash?
    Mount Vesuvius
  • Which region is Reggio Calabria in?
  • What is the national animal of Italy?
    The wolf
  • What landmark is Pisa famous for?
    The leaning tower of Pisa
  • Which Italian city is famous for fashion?
  • What are the names of the two very small countries found within Italy?
    San Marino and The Vatican
  • What is the capital city of Italy?
  • What's Italy's tallest mountain?
    Mont Blanc (Monte Bianco)
  • How many regions are there in Italy?
  • True or False? Italy has more UNESCO World Heritage sites than any other country.
    True! There are 58 UNESCO World Heritage sites in Italy.
  • What colours are on the Italian flag?
    Red, white and green.
  • Which continent is Italy on?
  • How many official languages are there in Italy?
    1 - Italian
  • Which currency is used in Italy?
  • What is Italy's longest river?
    Po river
  • What is the main religion in Italy?
    Christianity (Roman Catholicism)
  • What is the largest lake in Italy?
    Lake Garda
  • What do people say the shape of Italy is? (Clue - It's something you wear)
    A boot
  • Which Italian landmark is the most popular tourist attraction in the world?
    The Colosseum in Rome