
Mythological Creatures

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  • Germanic in origin and are small and fluffy.
  • is a mystical figure characterized by a hybrid appearance of two or more animals and the ability to fire through the nostrils
  • it is a mythological animal that has the shape of a horse, usually white, with a single spiral horn.
  • is a spirit of water that changes the way it inhabits Scotland's lakes
  • creatures from Greek mythology, often represented as birds of prey with the face of a woman
  • in Greek mythology, immortal giants with one eye in the middle of the forehead who, according to the story of Callimachus, worked with Hephaestus as blacksmiths, forging the rays used by Zeus
  • In Greek mythology, he was a being of nature with the body half human and half goat.
  • A man turns into a wolf or something similar to a wolf on nights with a full moon, only returning to human form at dawn. The legend originated in Greece with Licaon
  • in Greek mythology, it is a winged horse symbol of immortality. His figure is originally from Greek mythology, present in the myth of Perseus and Medusa. Pegasus was born from the blood of Medusa when she was beheaded by Perseus
  • Is a mythological or folkloric being that survives by feeding on blood:
  • it is a mythological creature, with a man's head, three sharp rows of shark teeth and a lion's body, differently colored eyes and a scorpion or dragon tail with which it can shoot poisonous spines
  • it is a legendary creature of ancient Asian origins. His most current description shows him as a hybrid half eagle and half lion.
  • present in legends that served to personify aspects of the sea or the dangers it represents. Almost all the people who depended on the sea for food or to survive, had some female representation that bewitched men until they drowned
  • In Greek mythology, it was a monstrous three-headed dog that guarded the entrance to the underworld, the underground realm of the dead, letting souls in but never leaving
  • this creature is born from a chicken egg hatched by a frog. It is a huge snake; his legend originates in ancient Greece
  • are half-human, half horse creatures in Greek mythology
  • it is a bird from Greek mythology that, when it died, entered into self-combustion and, after some time, resurfaced from the ashes themselves
  • He lived inside a maze on the island of Crete, Greece, devouring people. Until the brave hero Theseus appears to change this tragic island tradition!
  • Large and majestic animals, known for breathing fire