
What did Santa do?

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  • What did Santa buy?
    He bought presents.
  • What did Santa write?
    He wrote a nice list.
  • Where did Santa fly?
    He flew across the sky.
  • What did Santa eat?
    He ate cookies.
  • What did Santa say?
    He said, "Merry Christmas"!
  • What did Santa bring?
    He brought toys!
  • What did Santa ride?
    He rode his sleigh.
  • What did Santa drink?
    He drank milk.
  • What did Santa eat?
    He ate a cookie.
  • Where did Santa fall?
    He fell in the snow.
  • What did the Santa dog drive?
    The Santa dog drove the car?
  • What did Santa sing?
    He sang Christmas songs.
  • What did Santa say?
    He said, "Ho, ho, ho"!
  • What did Santa cat eat?
    Santa cate ate donuts.
  • Where did Santa fall?
    He fell down.
  • What did Santa ring?
    He rang the bells.