
Franklin and the Computer

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  • What types of games do you like?
    Computer, Sports, etc
  • Why was Franklin always going to Beaver's house?
    He wanted to use her computer to play a game.
    He was bored.
    He always got free food.
    He really wanted to play with beaver.
  • If you take someone's turn you
    lose the game on purpose
    never let them play
    leave and go home
    play for them while they are gone
  • What does a good friend do?
  • Do you prefer to watch someone play a game or to play it yourself?
  • What does a bad friend do?
  • I'd rather means
    I don't know
    I hate both options
    Go home
    I like this option more
  • If you ''put something away'' you
    return it to the store
    eat it
    throw it on the floor
    put it where it goes
  • Concentration means to be
  • Almost means
    really close
    exactly the same
    I don't know
    really far