
Kids Can 4 - Unit 2 Present Simple

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  • What do we do at the weekend?
    We watch films.
  • What does he do at the weekend?
    He doesn't listen to music.
  • What do we do at the weekend?
    We play card games.
  • What does he do at the weekend?
    He paints pictures.
  • What do they do at the weekend?
    They don't watch sports.
  • What does she do at the weekend?
    She reads books.
  • What does she do at the weekend?
    She doesn't make videos.
  • What do you do at the weekend?
    I visit my grandparents.
  • What do they do at the weekend?
    They visit museums.
  • What do you do at the weekend?
    I don't visit my grandparents.
  • What do you do at the weekend?
    I draw pictures.
  • What do we do at the weekend?
    We don't play card games.
  • What do you do at the weekend?
    I don't do homework.
  • What does he do at the weekend?
    He doesn't paint pictures.
  • What do they do at the weekend?
    They watch sports.
  • What does she do at the weekend?
    She makes cakes.
  • What do you do at the weekend?
    I don't draw pictures.
  • Wat do we do at the weekend?
    We play video games.
  • What does he do at the weekend?
    He doesn't play the piano.
  • What do they do at the weekend?
    They talk to friends.
  • What does she do at the weekend?
    She makes videos.
  • What do they do at the weekend?
    They don't go to museums.
  • What does she do at the weekend?
    She doesn't take photographs.
  • What does she do at the weekend?
    She doesn't make cakes.
  • What do we do at the weekend?
    We don't watch films.
  • What does he do at the weekend?
    He plays the piano.