
british culture

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  • Who lives in the Buckingham Palace
    the Royal Family/the Queen
  • Who is Sherlock Holmes?
    a detective
  • What is the unit of currency in G.B?
    the pound
  • ... is the most popular breed in the UK
    the Bulldog
  • Who is the famous English hero who steals money from the rich and gives it to the poor?
    Robin Hood
  • Who is the monarch of England and Britain?
    Charles III
  • What color are most London buses?
  • A famous british singer/ band
    Freddie Mercury/ Queen
  • What sport is this?
  • Who is the famous English writer?
    William Shakespeare
  • Who is the author of Harry Potter?
    J.K. Rowling
  • How do the British call "cookie"?
  • A famous English character
    Mr. Bean
  • What is the capital of Great Britain?
  • What is this?
  • how do the British drink tea?
    with milk
  • What's this?
    Big Ben
  • What is the most popular British food?
    Fish and chips