
B1 speaking practice

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  • Where do you like to relax in your free time?
    Ss answer
  • Are you keen on doing sport to stay healthy in your free time?
    Ss answer
  • What time do you normally get up in the morning?
    Ss answer
  • Which job would you most like to do in the future?
    Ss answer
  • Where are you planning on going on holiday next summer?
    Ss answer
  • How often do you eat chocolate and sweets?
    Ss answer
  • Do you ever listen to music while you are relaxing?
    Ss answer
  • Are you fond of going to the cinema with friends?
    Ss answer
  • What can we do to help prevent pollution in our country?
    Ss answer
  • Would you like to try surfing in the future?
    Ss answer
  • What are some types of pollution in your country?
    Ss answer
  • Are you good at doing sport or do you only do it for fun?
    Ss answer
  • Are you a fan of studying languages in your spare time?
    Ss answer
  • Do you enjoy sightseeing when on holiday?
    Ss answer
  • How did you use to get to school?
    Ss answer
  • Are you good at learning languages or do you find it hard?
    Ss answer
  • Are you eager to improve your English at the moment?
    Ss answer
  • When was the last time you went shopping to buy clothes?
    Ss answer
  • Do you usually spend a lot of money on food?
    Ss answer
  • What is your current English teacher like?
    Ss answer
  • Did you use to like going to school as a child?
    Ss answer
  • Do you normally spend your free time with friends or alone?
    Ss answer
  • How often do you meet friends and go out?
    Ss answer
  • When was the last time you played football?
    Ss answer
  • Which is your favourite city that you have visited?
    Ss answer
  • What do you normally eat for breakfast?
    Ss answer
  • Where did you go on holiday last year?
    Ss answer
  • Are you keen on eating seafood or do you prefer meat?
    Ss answer
  • Name some ways that you can reduce pollution in this country?
    Ss answer
  • Are you fond of watching TV in your spare time?
    Ss answer
  • Do you recycle plastic at home? Why (not)?
    Ss answer
  • Have you ever eaten a really disgusting food while you were on holiday?
    Ss answer
  • Have you ever tried a dangerous sport?
    Ss answer
  • What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought?
    Ss answer
  • Which job would you hate to have and why?
    Ss answer
  • What is your favourite sport and why?
    Ss answer