
English File Intermediate Plus File 3 A&B (test  ...

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  • I wasn't watching / didn't use to watch so much TV a few years ago.
    didn't use to watch
  • He doesn't walk steadily yet, he's just a ______________.
  • I was meeting / met a lot of interesting people when I was a student.
  • I went to work abroad when I was 32. I was in my ___________ ____________.
    in your early thirties
  • I used to take my photos to be _________ in that shop over there.
  • A picture can be _______________ if you move when you take it.
  • We prepared / were preparing lunch when the phone started ringing.
    were preparing
  • You should ___________ in when you are far from something and want a close-up.
  • They flew ____________ the Alps on the way to Italy.
  • The old-style cameras with ____________ were better than digital cameras.
  • I don't know who is responsible ________ updating the website.
  • A: What were you doing/ did you do this time last year? B: I was travelling / travelled around the US with friends from university.
    were you doing - was travelling
  • What are you waiting _______? Let's go now!
  • Sandra used to live / lived in Paris for three years.
  • What job were you wanting/ did you want to have when you were younger?
    did you want
  • Where did you grow up / did you use to grow up?
    did you grow up
  • How old were you when you were starting / started primary school?
  • I used to love / was loving meeting up with my cousins on holidays.
    used to love
  • Do you know what this photo reminds me _______?
  • Their country is particularly famous ____________ its food.
  • They didn't have / weren't having so much money when we first met them.
    didn't have