
Role Playing Scenarios - Stuttering

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  • You're calling your friend to ask about the homework, but they didn't answer. Practice leaving a message for them.
  • Your class has a substitute teacher today, and they keep calling you the wrong name! Practice how you would tell them what your name is.
  • You just used your stuttering tools when talking to your classmates! Everyone listened to what you had to say. What emotions might you be feeling?
  • Your class is discussing the book that was assigned for reading. Your teacher suddenly calls on you to share your thoughts. You weren't prepared to speak in front of the class! What strategy can you use?
  • Your speech therapist is absent today so you are meeting with someone else. They ask what you work on in speech. What could you say?
    Very nice!
  • You are at a restaurant with your family. The waiter brought you the wrong food! Get his attention and ask for the correct order.
    Great work!
  • You're trying to tell a story at lunch, but every time you stutter someone talks over you! What can you say? Let's practice!
  • Do you have a favorite character from a book or movie? Tell me about them! What makes them awesome?
    I'd love to meet them!
  • Tell me about a time when you felt proud of yourself. What did you do? 
    Amazing, thank you for telling me!
  • TRUE or FALSE: There are many tools and strategies to help with stuttering
    TRUE! Some strategies include re-starting a sentence, using belly breaths, and using stretchy speech
  • Tell me about your dream vacation. Where would you go? What would you do?
    That sounds lovely!
  • Your family member keeps finishing your sentences for you when you stutter. It's so frustrating! What can you say to them?
  • You are at the movie theater with your friends and are waiting in line to buy snacks. What tools can you use if you stutter? Let's practice!
    Wonderful work!
  • TRUE or FALSE: Not many people stutter. It's super rare
    FALSE: Over 3 million Americans stutter!
  • What is one thing you wish people knew about stuttering?
    Great ideas!
  • Can you tell me about a time when you used one of your stuttering tools? How did it help? How did you feel?
    Thanks for sharing!
  • Your friend wants to learn more about stuttering and what you do in speech therapy. What can you say?
    Fabulous answer!
  • It's the first day of karate class and the group is making introductions. You notice the girl next to you stutters when she introduces herself. What could you say to her?
  • TRUE or FALSE: There are jobs that people who stutter can't have because of their speech
    FALSE! There are many teachers, actors, politicians, and singers who stutter - like Ed Sheeran, Joe Biden, Marilyn Monroe, Kendrick Lamar, and Elvis!
  • You are at the library and can't find the book you want. The librarian can help, but you've heard that she can be cranky. You're feeling nervous. What can you say? Let's practice!
  • You are at an ice cream stand. When you go to order your ice cream, you begin to stutter. What strategy would you use? Let's practice!
  • You are playing at recess with a new kid at school. The kid asks, "Why do you talk like that?" What can you say? Let's practice!
  • A new friend asked you about your favorite movies. What tools can you use while talking to them? Let's practice!
  • You're trying to talk to your classmate, but every time you stutter they interrupt you! What can you say? Let's practice!
    Wahoo! Great job