
Air Travel Vocab

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  • If there isn't any direct flight to a destination, you will need to get one or more ..... in order to get to your destination.
    Connecting flight
  • What is a runway?
    The place where the aircraft takes off and lands.
  • What do you call phones, tablets, computers, gadgets in general?
    Electronic devices
  • What do you call the place where you collect your luggage once you arrive at your destination?
    Bag/baggage reclaim
  • What do you call the people who work inside an aircraft?
    Cabin crew
  • What do you call the place where your bags may be checked for illegal goods?
  • Which verb means "to put on" a seatbelt?
  • The place inside an aircraft where you keep your hand luggage.
    Overhead compartment.
  • What is "jet lag"?
    Something you experience when you travel across different time zones. You feel tired and your body clock is not adjusted to where you are.
  • What is a "journey"?
    That's the time you spend commuting (going from one place to another), inside an airplane, for example.
  • Which phrasal verbs mean: to board a plane and to leave a plane?
    Get on and get off
  • Define "long-haul flight".
    Long flights, which last many hours.
  • What do you call the doors inside an aircraft through which people leave in case there's a problem?
    Emergency exits
  • What's the phrasal verb? If you write down your information on a piece of paper, completing gaps, you ____ this document.
    Fill in
  • Which phrasal verb means: "the act of taking a person somewhere"?
    Drop off