
Unlock Your Potential

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  • What are the ideal jobs for someone with spatial/visual intelligence?
    Architect, cartoonist, graphic designer, etc.
  • Tell me right-brain dominant famous person.
    Robert Downey Jr., Picasso, etc.
  • What are the ideal jobs for someone with naturalist intelligence?
    Zoo keeper, park rangers, etc.
  • Do you think people should pursue a career out of their prominent intelligences only?
    Let me think about it.
  • What are the ideal jobs for someone with bodily kinesthetic intelligence?
    Choreographer, dancer, etc.
  • What are the ideal jobs for someone with musical intelligence?
    Musician, singer, band performer, etc.
  • Tell me left-brain dominant famous person.
    Thomas Edison, J. K. Rowling, etc.
  • What are the characteristics of right-brain dominant people?
    They are more creative, intuitive and imaginative.
  • Which one is smarter, left-brain or right-brain dominant people?
  • If someone is left-brain dominant, what multiple intelligence they might posess?
    Linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily kinesthetic and/or naturalist
  • What are the characteristics of left-brain dominant people?
    They tend to be logical, analytical and objective.
  • Is it necessary for us to know what we excel in? Why?
  • If someone is right-brain dominant, what multiple intelligence they might posess?
    Spatial-visual, musical, interpersonal, and/or intrapersonal.
  • What are the ideal jobs for someone with logical-mathematical intelligence?
    Scientist, accounting, engineer, etc.
  • How many multiple intelligences are there? Mention all of them.
    Spatial/visual, logical-mathematical, naturalist, linguistic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, musical, bodily-kinesthetic.
  • What are the ideal jobs for someone with interpersonal intelligence?
    Psychologist, counselor, politician, etc.
  • What are the ideal jobs for someone with linguistic intelligence?
    Writer, lawyer, editor, etc.
  • What are the ideal jobs for someone with intrapersonal intelligence?
    Theorist, scientist, etc.
  • What is the talk about?
    It's about multiple intelligences.
  • In this whole wide world, are there stupid people?
    No. They're just lazy.
  • Do you prefer being someone who is talented or hard-worker? Tell me your opinion.