
Passive Voice - B1 level

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  • They don't allow phones here.
    Phones aren't allowed here.
  • People upload 95 million photos to Instagram every day.
    95 million photos are uploaded to Instagram every day.
  • I make my bed every morning.
    My bed is made every morning.
  • I don't make my bed every day.
    My bed isn't made every day.
  • Nacho didn't invent this game.
    This game wasn't invented by Nacho.
  • They didn't deliver my package yesterday because I was out.
    My package wasn't delivered yesterday because I was out.
  • This house is very old. Someone built it in the 18th Century.
    This house was built in the 18th Century.
  • The police arrested the criminal.
    The criminal was arrested (by the police).
  • Did Emma invite you to her party?
    Were you invited to Emma's party?
  • How many tickets did they sell for the concert?
    How many tickets were sold for the concert?
  • Where does your teacher keep the stickers?
    Where are the stickers kept?
  • Mary Shelley wrote the novel Frankenstein.
    The novel Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley
  • They don't deliver the post at the weekend.
    The post isn't delivered at the weekend.
  • They speak Portuguese in Brazil.
    Portuguese is spoken in Brazil.
  • When did you paint your bedroom?
    When was your bedroom painted?
  • Someone cleans the bathrooms daily.
    The bathrooms are cleaned daily.
  • How often do they use this classroom?
    How often is this classroom used?
  • Someone stole my money.
    My money was stolen.
  • My father made the lasagna.
    The lasagna was made by my father.
  • Neal opens the school every morning.
    The school is opened by Neal every morning. OR The school is opened every morning by Neal.