
Abraham Lincoln

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  • What is a synonym for shattered?
    completely destroyed or ruined, broken
  • An official public announcement of something. a) expedition b) insinuation c) proclamation
  • What is the Latin translation of "bio".
    "bio" means "life"
  • Identify linking verb: The bed (feels / smells) nice and soft.
  • What does "malice toward none" mean?
    It means you do not have a bad attitude or resentment toward other people.
  • Why was Lincoln sad at the end of the war?
    So many men, north & south, had died.
  • What three jobs that Lincoln had as a young man?
    farnm hand, store owner, surveyor, postmaster, rail-splitter and lawyer
  • What does “charity for all” mean? 
    It means you have a positive, caring and kind attitude toward other people.
  • How did Lincoln feel about reading?
    He loved to read!
  • To be against something a) opposed b) unwary c) proponent
    a) opposed
  • What did Lincoln mean by “bind up the nation’s wounds”? 
    He knew the nation needed to heal.
  • A(n) ? is a formal speech. It can be used as a verb or a noun.
  • Why did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation?
    To free the slaves.
  • What happened when Abe was nine years old?
    His mother died.
  • What is a synonym for perish?
    disappear, die, go bad or rotten
  • What is a story about the life of a real person written by someone else?
  • What is a synonym for perpetual
    never-ending, everlasting, eternal, endless
  • What is an inaugural address?
    It is the first speech a new president gives.
  • Separated into parts or pieces.
  • Identify linking verb: This meat (is / are) not good anymore.
  • Did Lincoln win the election for senator?
  • What was the name of the war fought between the northern and southern United States?
    The Civil War.
  • Something done with quickness in moving or in acting: a) prudence b) haste c) compassion.
  • Why did Lincoln think it was wrong for the South to form their own government?
    He thought a house (or country) divided against itself cannot stand.