
Crimes and Criminals

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  • Translate: Роберт - кишеньковий злодій, він вже двічі був в тюрмі.
    Robert is a pickpocket, he has been to jail/prison twice.
  • Burglars don't rob banks, they...
    break into flats and houses.
  • Name 7 kinds of criminals.
    thief, burglar, robber, pickpocket, shoplifter, vandal, kidnapper
  • What do kidnapers usually do ?
    They kidnap people and deman a ransom.
  • What do we call a criminal who damages things in public places?
  • Who decides on a punishemnt for a criminal?
    a judge
  • What happens when police catches a criminal?
    He goes to prison/jail.
  • Who is a shoplifter?
    Someone who steals from shops.