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  • The car park is ______ the public library.
  • If you start at the library, how do you get to the school?
    Cross the road
  • The school is next to the theatre. True or False
  • How do you get from the bowling alley to the diner?
    Cross the road
  • How do you get from the pet shop to the fire department?
  • What is next to the police station ?
  • Where is the church ?
    Next to club house.
  • How many streets are shown in the map.Name them ?
    Two. Lane Street & Palm Street
  • The supermarket is ________ the theatre
  • If you start at the post office, how do you get to the fire station?
    Turn left and go along the road
  • How do you get from the pet shop to the water fountain?
  • How do you get from the school to the fire station?
    Turn right, go straight ahead and turn right again
  • You are standing at the chemist. How will you go to the park ?
    self answer