
Collocations in use advanced (17)

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  • He doesn't seem to understand the work and yet he never asks any questions or requests  any help. The only time he ____ initiative is in devising excuses for not having done his homework.
  • When he does come to class, his attention ______ and he doesn't seem able to concentrate on his lessons.
  • Although he has a ______ talent for art, he is not even taking any interest in art lessons
  • However, unless he starts to _____ school regularly and to put more effort into his studies, he will certainly not even meet the ________ for the college course. 
    attend / requirements
  • We are very concerned about Peter's behavior. He has played ______ from school three times this month and has been seen in town in school hours.
  • He will certainly not be able to _____ on the college course next year
  • This is disappointing, as the last year there was a ______ improvement in Peter's work and we hoped he might ____ scholarship.
    marked/ win