
Present Simple - Negative Form

  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • She wakes up early
    She does not/doesn't wake up early
  • She reads a book
    She does not/doesn't read a book
  • She takes a bus
    She does not/doesn't take a bus
  • She does Yoga in the morning
    She does not/doesn't do Yoga in the morning
  • She usually eats avocado toast for breakfast
    She does not/doesn't eat avocado toast for breakfast
  • She wakes up at 8 o' clock in the morning
    She does not/doesn't wake up at eight o'clock
  • She goes to bed late
    She does not/doesn't go to bed late
  • She goes to univeristy
    She does not/doesn't go to university